Year 3/4 Curriculum Links


Compare characteristics of living and non-living things and examine the differences between the life cycles of plants and animals (AC9S3U01)
  • Students make observations and identify living things in the forest, based on their features.
  • Students sort and classify living and non-living things in the forest.
  • Students name the parts of the life cycle of a eucalyptus tree and identify what it needs at different stages (including energy, water, space and soil). 
Explain the roles and interactions of consumers, producers and decomposers within a habitat and how food chains represent feeding relationships (AC9S4U01)
  • Identify the components of a forest ecosystem and the connections between living and non-living things.
  • Understand the wide variety of producers, consumers and decomposers in a forest ecosystem.
  • Explore the roles and interactions of producers, consumers, and decomposers in forest ecosystems.
  • Construct simple food chains to represent feeding relationships in a forest environment.
Consider how people use scientific explanations to meet a need or solve a problem (AC9S4H02)
  • Students identify the different ways people interact with forest landscapes.
  • Students examine their role in the future of forest landscapes.


The importance of environments, including natural vegetation and water sources, to people and animals in Australia and on another continent (AC9HS4K05)
  • Students identify the many important roles of vegetation (trees) in different landscapes, from shelter on farms to preventing erosion near water sources.
  • Students explore the role of forests from an environmental, social/cultural and economic perspective.
Sustainable use and management of renewable and non-renewable resources, including the custodial responsibility First Nations Australians have for Country/Place (AC9HS4K06)
  • Understand that wood fibre can be a renewable resource if managed sustainably. 
  • Explore the importance of sustainable management of forests.
  • Understand the role of forests and forest products as natural, renewable resources.

Design and Technology

Describe the ways of producing food and fibre (AC9TDE4K03)
  • Understand that wood fibre can be produced and used to create a wide variety of products, from toilet paper to furniture. 
  • Identify how different trees can produce food for other living things. 
Examine design and technologies occupations and factors including sustainability that impact on the design of products, services and environments to meet community needs (AC9TDE4K01)
  • Explore occupations involved in the sustainable management of forests and forest products.
  • Explore how forest landscapes can meet different social, environmental and economic community needs.

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