My story behind our trees… As the Forico Tree Improvement Manager; I manage the company’s tree breeding and deployment (seed production) programs and some other research projects. We establish new genetic material in field trials, collect assessment data from...
As a secondary student in the US State of Ohio, I enjoyed getting outdoors but never imagined there was an opportunity to build a career around it. I studied forestry and wildlife sciences as an undergraduate in Seattle, and began specialising as a research...
My story behind our trees… I’m a PhD candidate, which means I do research whilst working towards getting a doctoral degree. My research at the moment is in New Zealand, and is about the associations that form between the roots of beech trees and certain types of...
My story behind our trees… Tim’s passion for forests is contagious. It was wonderful to see students engage with his research and have the opportunity to see real world science in action. The flux tower is an amazing piece of technology that Tim is able to...